Café Kamiel

Café Kamiel, situated on a beautiful sunny corner across from the fantastic Hof van Leys where children of all ages can play, run around and discover the newly renovated playground. I worked at Café Kamiel for a good year and I have experienced the make overs, the experiments and the many, many laughs with the owners and team.

If you are looking for some time alone, with friends or with your family this place certainly fits the bill. You will notice upon arriving that there is a total mix of age groups, types of people and of course a very child friendly atmosphere. There is also a lovely play corner with loads of puzzles, books and toys for those long rainy days, yummy homemade cakes and also gluten free and vegan alternatives for those that want to venture out into the healthy world of guilt free desserts.. Beverages of all sorts which you will not find in many other places and of course a selection of exceptional  draft beer.. (mmmm that karmeliet)

At lunch time you can opt for a homemade soup or compose your own sandwich from the salad bar which has everything from cheese to hummus and homemade guacamole. During the weekend you can have a huge all you can eat brunch with a very big and generous selection toppings, pancakes and fluffy scrambled eggs. (make sure you reserve as places are limited!)

Last but not least if you would like to organize a birthday party for any age or a celebration of any sort you can certainly call in with your idea as they host parties too!

I would say check it out and jump in for a visit! I am sure you will enjoy the relaxed and warm atmosphere!

cherry on top


In one of the busiest and most exclusive shopping streets of Antwerp, Tiramisu is just the thing you need after a long day of shopping. A very classic menu, mainly made up of toasties , desserts and salads.. but do not underestimate simple dishes, as those are the ones that are usually prepared very unimpressively in most places. That is obviously not the case here. 

My personal favourites are their salads, as they are very straight to the point but sill full of flavour and freshness. After a nice meal I would be very impressed if you could resist one of their desserts, some homemade and some from one of the finest bakeries in Antwerp. 

If you decide to go at the lunch time rush hour I would advise you to make a reservation, otherwise just pop in and enjoy the classic delights! 

For details check out this google plus account. 




Hungry Henrietta

A lovely place to eat that has been around for as long as I can remember. My first chef/mentor told me to try it out more than 10 years ago and of course I did and I have been a fan ever since.

Close to the shopping area “Wilde Zee” this place sure sticks out in my mind as one of the very few places here in Antwerp where you can get a very honest and well cooked meal that tastes great, and the high food standard is constant. There is nothing worse than enjoying a meal somewhere, going back and finding out the food just does not taste as good as your first visit. I would describe it as Belgian/French food with an international twist and take on some dishes, yet still somehow still remaining true to the seasonal product.

The most refreshing thing at Hungry Henrietta is the fact that they are not busy following food crazes or momentary trends, which at this day and age is more original than actually being perfectly “up to date”.

I would advise you to make a reservation before deciding to try it out as it is fully booked quite often. I am almost certain you will enjoy it as much as I do.

Check out their website for more info…


Pasticceria Sissi, Milano

One morning many months ago my husband and I visited a wonderful pasticceria (bakery) after recommendation from my Italian mother in law. Located in quite a residential neighborhood and not really visible to those that are not looking this place is certainly worth visiting when in Milan.  We went in to have a quick Italian style breakfast and there and then I decided I will not go anywhere else for breakfast when in Milan.  I loved the fact that it was so packed with stylish locals, talking and discussing over a “brioche” and a coffee.. Some sitting quietly and enjoying a cappuccino with the morning newspaper at the small row of tables at the side of the coffee bar, and some outside on the semi open terrace enjoying breakfast and a nice talk.. even in the winter.

We of course had to have a full selection of the salty and sweet croissants, pastries and sandwiches and a beautiful frothy cappuccino on the side.. as we are quite the breakfast eaters me and my man : ) we would not even dream of missing out on a luscious weekend breakfast.

The quality of the pastries both salty and sweet are truly impressive and what I loved most is the fact that you could have your savory breakfast if you pleased even though it is extremely uncommon in Italy. Not exactly the place to go if you are up for a bargain, but I never mind paying for quality. I would say give it a try if you want to feel like a local and walk off those calories Italian style if you over indulge.. which could be very likely when at Sissi. Enjoy!!


The Bun in the Oven

It feels like ages since I last wrote something here in my little blog and to be honest I could not help it. I have been pregnant for nearly six months and something very strange seems to have happened to my taste buds. In the first few months I was not even able to think about food let alone eat anything and now that I am nearly in my third trimester I seem to have developed a completely different taste palate..and less of a genuine enthusiasm towards food.  Mind you,  in a way I am quite relieved. I am imagining how it would be if I was eating everything in sight! Good God I would turn into a balloon, well ehem… more of a balloon than I am now, Craaayyzzaaayyy.

I am assuming that once our little angel is born, mama will be back to write about some yummy places to eat.. I will however be posting soon about a place I had breakfast in before I got pregnant when I was in Milano! Fantastic place and a must  try if you ever happen to be there!

Till then my little darlings I wish you many days of heart warming food and lots of smiles to go along with them!





Kleinblatt Antwerp, Belgium

I may have already mentioned that I am not much of a dessert eater, but I sometimes I come across a dessert that I cannot help but dive into. I always start with a small taste, just  to see if it is worth the calories, and if by any chance it happens to be more of a savory dessert, rather than one that makes you reach out for a bottle of water, then I am SOLD!!!

A fabulous restaurant owner and friend of mine called Frédéric Bardé once mentioned this place to me, and seeing that he knows his stuff and generally does not say anything unless he means it, I decided to go there and try the famous cheese cake he so fondly spoke of.

I purchased a small piece, and boy do I regret I did that! I thought I could save some for my husband, but unfortunately the cake got the best of me. Everything from the texture, to each and every flavor of this cake took me to a place in heaven! Fantastic!! As I relished every little bite of this cake, I imagined all the different toppings it could be served with, as it was not too sweet, had a tinge of saltiness and could definitely handle any luscious sauce you decide to serve it with, whilst you pretend you made it, and impress all your guests :)

I have to admit that at the last bite I decided I would never serve it with anything but a fork to eat it with. When something tastes so good alone, then let it be!! Thats my motto at least.

So Frederic thank you for sharing this place with me and congratulations to Kleinblatt for being so wonderful at what they do. I would also like to mention that they have a fantastic selection of  kosher breads and bagels which will definitely tickle your taste buds too.. I say give it a try, and if you decide to go for that cheese cake, do buy a big enough piece!!

Check it out!! & Read more about this place on their Website!! 


Bien Soigné

If you like to treat yourself to fantastic service and exceptional food this is the place to be! Not only will you be charmed by the tastes and the kind host’s patience to explain but  you will also be pleasantly surprised that you will not leave having payed an arm and a leg.

Chef Alex De Hauwere has not only been a colleague but also a chef I have always admired for remaining genuine to his own tastes and vision. No big show, no arrogance or over working the product, simply pure and mouth watering food.

In Bien Soigné you will be able to have an array of tastes in each dish, and I will assure you that you will not be disappointed in any of your visits! Frederic Saen, business partner and front of house host will walk you through the menu and suggest fantastically delicious wines that will definitely leave you asking for more!

I suggest you not only take my word for it, but also give it a try and taste for yourselves!

Check it out!!  You will truly become richer by the experience.


Aahaar Antwerp, Belgium

I remember when I was at school we used to have a wide array of cultures swarming the corridors at recess. Colors, languages, varied expressions and so much more, this is how I am proud to say I grew up.

After having lived in West Africa for the beginning of my early years I would say coming to Europe and being surrounded by so many cultures was something I more than gladly embraced. I believe that having grown up in such an expressive place like Sierra Leone you are automatically injected with a sort of soul and love that I cannot describe in words. I am happy that my parents enrolled me in a school that only matched what I knew so well.
Everyday when I cook a different meal I try and recapture these beautiful yet very powerful memories and it makes me so so happy to be able to share this with the ones I love.
What really sticks out from my school years though is my first real encounters with new cuisines especially the indian one. It would start quite early in the morning when many of my indian friends and class mates would come in with warm home cooked meals in fantastically arranged indian lunch boxes (Dabawala to be precise)
I can deeply remember those smells so much so that I have based most of my indian home cooking on those memories. Of course I was lucky enough to have a few tastes back then, but being raised as a polite child I never dared to ask for more so I made do with what I could gather.
 So here we are today and I have finally found a place that will embrace my memories and make me feel like I was home. If you are into vegetarian spicy delights this is most  definitely the place to be!! I have to say we did have to  wait a very long time here in Antwerp before we could have a wonderful Indian restaurant to go to but boy am I glad we ended up with this little darling. I LOVE IT!!!
So ehm, I shall get myself together and invite you to check it out!!

Dome Sur Mer Antwerp, Belgium

When I am in the mood for a stylish night out with some friends I usually end up in places that look hip and trendy but have terrible food. As this blog is a strictly positive one I will not be mentioning where those places are or what they are named.. I will however inform you that Dome Sur Mer  is a positively fantastic place!High white ceilings towering above you.. little gold fish swimming around the minimal style built in aquarium and a lot of white and marble influences. This place definitely looks the part and the food certainly is on that same line.The elegant plating and the wine selection definitely match the perfectionism of Michelin starred chef owners.  If you are lucky enough to be able to make a booking I would highly suggest you rush over there for a quality meal. When you consume food this fresh, you certainly will become pickier when it comes to food in other restaurants, and thats a fact!

Check it out!!   

DelRey Antwerp, Belgium

 Refined Elegance with every single bite. This is really the best place to be if you would like to taste Belgian Chocolate and also Belgian Chocolate  that has been translated into a million different recipes. They have cakes, cookies, ice cream and so much more… During the winter months you will also find fantastic gold wrapped home made candied chestnuts that simply melt in the mouth and leave you feeling warm from the inside, they are definitely not a bargain, but so worth the price.If you would like an excuse to visit, just pop in for lunch or a tea time dessert and enjoy the refined dishes and the kind service. If you need to order a cake for a Birthday, or simply to serve as a dessert after dinner or lunch.. Do not think twice, this is the place to be!!

Bon Appetit!

Check it out !!!


‘T FORNUIS Antwerp, Belgium

This is what home made food would taste like if we lived in heaven… Well ok..  Classic French Heaven.

What a world of  tastes you will discover when you go to  T’ Fornuis. One star Michilin, cosy, not a fussy service and not an ounce of pretentiousness. Yes, it turns out that it is possible to experience all of these things in one single place. I went there with the eating committee which is now my family in law and we were all more than pleased with the beautifully presented and perfectly prepared dishes. What an honor it is to be still able to eat food like this at a time where chefs use a lab to cook a steak.
The most interesting thing is, as classic a Chef as Mr Johan Segers is, and trust me you will not miss this fact in any of the dishes that you will be served, there is also a subtle touch of modernity without the essence of purity and honesty towards tradition being lost. Simply fantastic! This is a must for those who love classic french food and even more of a must for those who would like to learn and understand    more about it. I can’t wait to go back!